

osapiens HUB


ESG Solutions



osapiens HUB for Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)

Calculate and manage your Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions with our GHG accounting solution.

Gain valuable insights into your greenhouse gas emissions, establish the foundation for your reduction strategy and be prepared for upcoming reporting obligations.

Why is a carbon footprint important for every company?

The ESG regulatory framework is evolving: regulations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) require companies to disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Compliance is not only a legal requirement for a growing number of companies but is also in line with global efforts to monitor and reduce GHG emissions.
‍The CCF is part of legal due diligence requirements

Climate key figures ensure the future viability of companies

Climate change is reshaping the global economy. To adapt to changing market dynamics and remain profitable over the long term, companies need to understand their carbon emissions, identify risks and develop strategies. This is the only way for companies to thrive in the upcoming low-carbon economy.

Data and transparency in the supply chain are of interest to stakeholders

Various stakeholders - business partners, investors, regulators and the general public - are increasingly interested in companies' greenhouse gas emissions. This reflects the growing influence of environmental issues in decision making. To provide this data, companies must not only report their direct emissions, but also include their entire supply chain through Scope 3 calculations. Taking responsibility for the environment is a shared responsibility and requires a transparent exchange of data between all parties involved.

The CCF is the basis for corporate climate management

Our solution is based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard and enables comprehensive accounting and full transparency across all emission scopes.

Features of our solution

Data Platform

Consolidate all your data into one platform.

Build the basis for your carbon footprint by collecting data from different parts of your organisation and value chain, such as energy consumption, employee commuting, waste and upstream emissions from the production of purchased goods and services. Connect your existing data sources to the platform via an API to automatically import and update data or invite your colleagues to enter data from different areas. Clear guidelines guide you through the process to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Greenhouse gas balance sheet

Track Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions

Get an overview of your company's emissions. A company's carbon footprint includes both direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions from purchased energy (Scope 2) and the supply chain (Scope 3). Our solution supports the collection of data and calculation of emissions for Scope 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with the GHG Protocol.

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Reduction measures

Identify the opportunities for emission reduction.

Find out how to reduce your emissions. Identify your emission hotspots and find out where you can set reduction targets to achieve effective improvements. Our solution supports you with benchmarks and helpful resources on emissions reduction issues.

Monitoring and reporting

Communicate your progress internally and externally.

Create dashboards and reports to communicate your progress and current metrics to internal and external stakeholders. Our solution considers common reporting standards such as the requirements of the European Reporting Standards (ESRS) for CSRD and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) as well as SASB and IFRS.

Benefits of our solution

Easy to use

Our step-by-step approach reduces the complexity of GHG accounting and ensures you don't miss anything.

Comprehensive and flexible

Capture all your Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions with a data structure that adapts to your organisation's needs.


Work with your colleagues. Collect, consolidate and analyse data from across the organisation.


Interfaces to your existing data sources and automated update workflows significantly reduce your manual workload.

Supply chain integration

Collect primary data from the supply chain for your Scope 3 calculations and benefit from the capabilities of the osapiens hub.

Compliant with sustainability standards

Build your carbon footprint in accordance with the GHG Protocol as a basis for CSRD reporting.

Complying with CCF regulations is easy with osapiens HUB for CSRD

Transparent logistics, automated legal obligations and an all-in-one solution for all affected parties to reduce complexity.

Trusted by hundreds of companies from all industries

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The osapiens mission

We help companies grow with corporate sustainability. With our unique software solutions, we are revolutionising supply chains to help companies not only achieve economic success, but also make human rights and environmentally sustainable and responsible business practices the global standard. We are committed to laying the foundations for an ESG-compliant future.













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